Yes, I've been off the radar. For many reason really, that I wont go in to, but I'm back with a bang.
I'm now currently into month two of my metformin cycle but I'll bring you up to speed with month one first.
The nightmare began; Having previously been on metformin [ a six month cycle three years ago] I had memories of what to expect. I knew I would be sick, I knew I would have mood swings and I knew it wouldn't be pleasant. Knowing all this didn't prepare me though.
The first week was manageable, no huge changes to me or my hormones. By week two I had become the anti-Christ. The nauseousness was horrible, the mood swings almost unbearable; but I was determined. I would make it to three pills a day.
By week three I needed help. I knew it wasn't therapy I needed; yes I was emotional and depressed but I knew this was due to the hormonal change. I considered ringing the fertilty clinic but I knew they would either suggest I stop taking the pills or reduce the dosage and our chances are better the higher the dosage. Knowing all this, I did the only think I could think of, I engaged the services of a Life Coach. I know you are thinking, what the hell? But I needed help. It's not that James or my family wasn't going it to me, they just weren't giving me the kind of help I needed. I needed something they couldn't offer; an objective ear, something you are your family don't have when you're going through this.
Luckily for me I already knew the perfect Life Coach, she having been my Business Coach while I ran my company. I mad the call, the very teary call and slowly things improved.
By week four things were still tough, but I was getting there. Talking to someone removed from the situation helped a great deal. I was still sick and moody but I knew there was, and I could see the end. I just had to hang in there.