I'm fat. Actually that is probably being nice about it, I'm obese - yes technically I am; shocker right? There was a time I was a slim size 10 - although that is almost 8 - 10 years ago now. A symptom of my PCOS is severve weight problems; I am the type that looks at a chocolate bar and puts on 10lbs.
I can no longer ignore my weight problems!
Apart from the fact that I am unhappy [severely] with my weight and I'm unhealthy AND that it could all lead to worst health problems in the future there is another reason that has prompted me to lose it.
I want a baby.
Again as part of my PCOS I am reproductively challenged. I can't concieve babies naturally, at the very least. I've struggled with this for 3 years and after going through a rather horrific am I/ amn't pregnant episode very recently I've finally pulled the finger out and made the call to an IVF clinic. I'll be meeting with an IVF consultant within the next 6 - 8 weeks to discuss my options and see what they can do for me. I know my weight will stand in my way, so I am doing what I can now; getting a head start.
My body stats:
Laid open and bare, no hiding from them; this is the good, the bad and the ugly. [Don't laugh]
I am 5 foot 6 inches
I weigh 15 stone and 10 3/4 lbs [ 220 3/4 lbs]
I am 47 inches around my belly
I am 40.5 inches under my breasts
I am 48 inches around the hips
My thighs are 27.5 inches
My upper arms are 14.5 inches
There it is in black and white. [Take deep breath now]
So what am I doing?
Well I've cut our alcohol and take aways for the next month[at least]. I am going to watch what I eat and exercise twice a day. A morning work and a walk in the evening, equally 45 - 60 minutes a day. I'll alternate my morning works out but I found this work out this morning which was great and would recommend to anyone; regardless of their fitness level.
Wish me luck!!