Saturday, May 29, 2010

I made the call - to the IVF Clinic!!

I did it, I finally did it.

I made the call.

Well several actually. Initially I had been told that would need my Doctor to refer me on to the IVF Clinic and he had advised once we had decided on which IVF Clinic we would like to go with he would do up a referral letter.

Decision Made

The Sims Clinic it is to be; so I call our Doctor, or at least try to. Frustratingly no one was answering. In fact sometimes it didn't ring. But I was in a proactive mood, undeterable - I decide to call The Sims Clinic directly.

Yipee - I don't need a referal!

Spoke to a lovely, lovely receptionist who advised me I didn't need a referral, but that I did need to read and complete an application pack which she would post out to me. Once returned they would then phone with an appointment.

We're 6-8 weeks away from meeting
with an IVF Consultant!!


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