Monday, May 31, 2010

Weightloss; My Ugly Truth

I'm fat. Actually that is probably being nice about it, I'm obese - yes technically I am; shocker right? There was a time I was a slim size 10 - although that is almost 8 - 10 years ago now. A symptom of my PCOS is severve weight problems; I am the type that looks at a chocolate bar and puts on 10lbs.

I can no longer ignore my weight problems!

Apart from the fact that I am unhappy [severely] with my weight and I'm unhealthy AND that it could all lead to worst health problems in the future there is another reason that has prompted me to lose it.

I want a baby.

Again as part of my PCOS I am reproductively challenged. I can't concieve babies naturally, at the very least. I've struggled with this for 3 years and after going through a rather horrific am I/ amn't pregnant episode very recently I've finally pulled the finger out and made the call to an IVF clinic. I'll be meeting with an IVF consultant within the next 6 - 8 weeks to discuss my options and see what they can do for me. I know my weight will stand in my way, so I am doing what I can now; getting a head start.

My body stats:

Laid open and bare, no hiding from them; this is the good, the bad and the ugly. [Don't laugh]

I am 5 foot 6 inches

I weigh 15 stone and 10 3/4 lbs [ 220 3/4 lbs]

I am 47 inches around my belly 

I am 40.5 inches under my breasts

I am 48 inches around the hips

My thighs are 27.5 inches

My upper arms are 14.5 inches

There it is in black and white. [Take deep breath now]

So what am I doing?

Well I've cut our alcohol and take aways for the next month[at least]. I am going to watch what I eat and exercise twice a day. A morning work and a walk in the evening, equally 45 - 60 minutes a day. I'll alternate my morning works out but I found this work out this morning which was great and would recommend to anyone; regardless of their fitness level.

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I made the call - to the IVF Clinic!!

I did it, I finally did it.

I made the call.

Well several actually. Initially I had been told that would need my Doctor to refer me on to the IVF Clinic and he had advised once we had decided on which IVF Clinic we would like to go with he would do up a referral letter.

Decision Made

The Sims Clinic it is to be; so I call our Doctor, or at least try to. Frustratingly no one was answering. In fact sometimes it didn't ring. But I was in a proactive mood, undeterable - I decide to call The Sims Clinic directly.

Yipee - I don't need a referal!

Spoke to a lovely, lovely receptionist who advised me I didn't need a referral, but that I did need to read and complete an application pack which she would post out to me. Once returned they would then phone with an appointment.

We're 6-8 weeks away from meeting
with an IVF Consultant!!


Friday, May 28, 2010

Proof Women are born that way!

Just hilarious!! You show him who's boss girl!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Baby Fund

I know that having IVF, or at the very least assistance with getting pregnant is going to cost us. My initial guesstimates are in the region of €4,000 - €8,000 with our chosen facility, The Sims Clinic. That is of course if they chose us! According to their website they can be picky [ my words not theirs], they, more eloquently put it; that they take on a small number of patients so they can focus more on patient care than numbers. - most of the reason we want to go there!

I've done my research...

Well I've had a few conversations with people who have gone down this route, the IVF one, and each has said to me; can you afford it? Honestly, right now I don't know that we can. Well right now I don't even know how much it is going to cost. Regardless, once I'm finished this post I am going to make a jar marked ' The Baby Fund' - at least it will start us off.

Second on my to do list... once 'The Baby Fund' is started

Find out for sure what this is going to cost, which means gettin referred to the clinic. I'll call the Doctor's tomorrow and get them to do my a referral letter, then I can make an appointment. Knowledge is key right now.

Wish us luck!

Rewind; Our Back Story.

Cartoons Graphic #108

James and I got together almost 6 years ago in Septeber 04. Back then we lived very different lives, and have very different careers. Strange to think how far we've come in only 6 years; and yet, somehow, it seems longer.

What we do

Today James is a slasher; by that I mean he is an underwriter/ actor and soon to be college student/ actor [ only for 3 months I should add] he will then by an online social media expert/ actor. I am a writer. One book under my belt and on the book store shelves and book number 2 on its third draft and a publisher [eagerly - i tell myself] awaiting its arrival. We live in a small country town, close to the sea on the outskirts of the city and our only baby [for the moment] are our darling furbabies; pussy cat, Achilles and puppy dog, Tilly.

The fairytale beginning...

We pledged our undying love to each other on the 7th of July 2007 and 30 minutes after stepping off the plane from honeymoon we were summoned to the Doctor'surgry.

What happened?

After 2 years of testes and investigations they knew what was wrong with me; I had PCOS. I wasn't surprised, I had suspected as much; in fact it was my mine own 'diagnoises' mere days before our wedding that prompted the testes that produced these results. Having met with two specialists [neither of which I practicularily liked] we were told that our chances of having a family naturaly were slim.


Almost 3 years and here we are; there is more to the story, which I am sure you'll learn along the way. Needless to say, we are still childless, mostly our, or I should say, my procrastination. But now we're ready, to take the journey, of trying to become parents.

Wish us luck!

Starting with a clean slate.

I, or I should say, We started this blog in September 09 to document what we were going through as a reproductively challenged couple.

Soon after we began the blog we became disheartened or maybe just to busy but as time is quickly slipping by; its now almost 3 years since we were told about out obstacles, we've done a big fat nothing!

So here it is, the clean slate. I've deleted the other posts we're made and as of today we're starting [afresh] on the road to trying to become parents.

Wish us luck!!