Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm just painting the house!

My friend's say I am nesting, that I am not telling them something but really, I'm just painting the house. Ok, and replacing some tired furniture and considering an extension. But I AM NOT nesting.

At least I don't think I am.

Sure the goal right now is to get pregnant, or at the very least try. And we are trying. We have been for three years now. Which hasn't been without its trials & tribulations; First my body got in the way. Then it was my hormones. Then it was my emotions. Then it wasn't time. Then it was time. We attend the fertility clinic. I take the meds. He puts his back out. Then I paint. [Well then I hire someone to paint.]

So really, I am just painting the house.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Metformin, month 1; the catch up.

Yes, I've been off the radar. For many reason really, that I wont go in to, but I'm back with a bang.

I'm now currently into month two of my metformin cycle but I'll bring you up to speed with month one first.

The nightmare began;

Having previously been on metformin [ a six month cycle three years ago] I had memories of what to expect. I knew I would be sick, I knew I would have mood swings and I knew it wouldn't be pleasant. Knowing all this didn't prepare me though.

The first week was manageable, no huge changes to me or my hormones. By week two I had become the anti-Christ. The nauseousness was horrible, the mood swings almost unbearable; but I was determined. I would make it to three pills a day.

By week three I needed help.

I knew it wasn't therapy I needed; yes I was emotional and depressed but I knew this was due to the hormonal change. I considered ringing the fertilty clinic but I knew they would either suggest I stop taking the pills or reduce the dosage and our chances are better the higher the dosage. Knowing all this, I did the only think I could think of, I engaged the services of a Life Coach. I know you are thinking, what the hell? But I needed help. It's not that James or my family wasn't going it to me, they just weren't giving me the kind of help I needed. I needed something they couldn't offer; an objective ear, something you are your family don't have when you're going through this.

Luckily for me I already knew the perfect Life Coach, she having been my Business Coach while I ran my company. I mad the call, the very teary call and slowly things improved.

By week four things were still tough, but I was getting there.

Talking to someone removed from the situation helped a great deal. I was still sick and moody but I knew there was, and I could see the end. I just had to hang in there.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 months of Meds!

So my prescription for Metformin is in the pharmacy, I got the call this evening, Ill collect tomorrow.

Am nervous.

I'm to start week 1 with 1 tablet, increase to 2 and then hopefully be able to stand 3 by the third week. Am staying positive and hoping that this staggered approach will work.

I was a little concerned

When the nurse asked me to contact them towards the end of the second month so that they could arrange the IVF procedure. She seemed confused when I explained I wasn't having IVF, at least not yet. I explained to her that the [good] Doctor thinks insulin is the problem, hence the metformin.

I could be pregnant,

Inside the next 3 months, pregnant, both a scary and exhilarating thought.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sick [fur] Baby

I'm sure I've mentioned Tilly [my furbaby] before. Tilly is my 3.5 year old Bichon. She was born the day I had my first miscarriage, and so for us is much more than just a dog.

Sunday morning shock.

We woke up a little later than normal for a Sunday morning and when my hubby went down stairs to let Tilly out he discovered she had been violently ill all night, 9 times in fact. She barely made it up the stairs, before she was sick again on the landing.

Beside ourselves.

It took the on-call vet 27 minutes to call us back. In that time I could only imagine the fear and dread that goes through a mother's mind when her child his sick. While I love my dog, and I do call her my baby and I know I would do anything for her, I know that she is a dog. While she will always be part of this family, I'm not deranged enough to treat her like a child, but my love for her both scared and warmed me with the joy and love that I one day hope to have for my child.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Metformin for me!

The good Doctor and I stopped playing phone tag this afternoon and actually got to talk to each other! Albeit it was difficult to hear him as I was driving and the car kit is just not great, but we had a conversation none the less.

Insulin is my problem.

So he says. I only got the jest, but he is putting me on metformin. I've been here before, 3 years ago in fact, a different Doctor, but the same meds. However, apparently this time it will work, he says, dosage and diet is the key, according to him. Am sceptical but willing to try.

A 3 month supply - enough for a baby?

Well I suppose we'll find out... its all I'm getting, initially anyways. Optimistically I could say that I will be giving everyone an extra special Christmas present, news of a baby, but perhaps that is getting my hopes up too much.

Time will tell...

Wish us luck!

Imagine from

Friday, August 27, 2010

Being featured in a parenting magazine

We're honoured!

A fellow tweeter tweeted that she was looking to interview couples who had travelled or where travelling the long road to successful fertility. I know the tweeter well [in the twitteverse] and had already been interviewed by her for a Wedding Magazine [for those of you who don't know, I am a Wedding Consultant by day], I dropped her a line to see what she was looking for and low and be hold got a reply with 6 detailed questions to be filled in.

Sending back my [fertility] life story I waited with baited breath for a glimpse at her article. J and I were honoured with the first paragragh and we're happy to share our story with other couples, in the hope that it might offer them some comfort or help.

Once it out I'll post a copy up so you can all take a gander!

Getting pregnant, a money pit?!

I had another mini ' are we doing the right thing/ ready for this' attack again. It ended with my booking the blood tests, so you can deduce what I decided.

Shock of my life.

The doctor had said that I would require 1 blood test, I checked the cost when I booked and told the nurse when she started taking the body that it was only the fasting bloods I was having done, that everything else was up-to-date, the shock came when we went to pay. Instead of €40 she was charging me €160! I nearly died.

Apparently [annoyed]

It's routine [so I was told] for PAI -1 to be done at the same time, the expense little bugger. The receptionist wasn't much help when I asked what it was all about. And sure I thought to myself it will be worth it [it better be]. If this kid doesn't come out right I will want my money back!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Procrastinating: Still haven't booked the fasting blood tests.

I know, I know. My own fault again. It's me circa 2007; knowing exactly what needs to be done and sticking my head in the sand.

I think it's because I'm scared. I've a feeling I wont get the answer I am hoping for from these blood tests and I don't know where that will lead so I do nothing.

Not a way forward I know, but hey, its taken me 3 years to get this far...

Need a big push... must make appointment on Monday * bites nails * - think I need a Drill Sargent - any takers?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Insulin might not be the problem afterall.

At our first appoint with the IVF Clinic the Doctor explained that he was [almost] sure that my aggravated PCOS symptoms and infertility was down to an in balance in Insulin or Insulin Resistance. I'm booked in for fastening blood tests to confirm this.


As I was at my GP's during the week I decided to ask if I ever had this type of blood test before. I had. AND the results were normal.

I am devastated.

I will still go ahead and have the fasting blood tests at the Sims Clinic and see but I don't think my treatment is going to be as easy as diet, exercise and medication after all.

Staying positive...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Our First appointment with the IVF Clinic

I was a bag of nerves, good nerves, excited nerves; but a bag of nerves none the less.

We got there early,

About 30 minutes early but headed in regardless. It's nice there, clinical but nice. Plenty to do in the waiting room; tv, teas and coffee, computers, games etc. Don't ask me why but I was surprised to see the waiting room full of other couples. All stone faced, I smiled at some but they weren't very welcoming - is it that IVF apts are not PC... even when you're all there for the same reasons?

Our Doctor is lovely.

Such a nice man. He even phoned me this morning. He was not supposed to be the Doctor we were to meet and called to make sure we were happy to meet him - so we would have no surprises. [How Sweet].

A very long chat

Ensued in his office were we talked all about my medical history, my PCOS, PCOS in general and possible treatments and options that we would have and face. He was very thorough, spoke alot of since and for the first time in years I feel like someone is actually listening and interested in helping us. All in all a very positive consultation.

I rather painful procedure

When I told him that I haven't had a period since Oct 07 he grew a little concerned and thought it odd that no-one had ever thought to question or investigate this before. Which made sense when he said it. As a result I had an Endometrial [sp?] Biopsy. Not a pleasant experience at all.

I forgot to mention the Tumour

The one I've had for years in my right ovary. When he did the ultrasound he got quite a shock. And for the second time he asked why no-one had questioned/ investigated or removed it. Simply; before, no-one ever seemed concerned or interested in it.

My prognosis

You may be forgiven for thinking that my prognosis would be rather grey after all that but you would be wrong. The [very] good Doctor is quietly positive that insulin my be my fiend and the root to all my problems! He is of the educated [guess] opinion at the moment that once regulated and controlled through a combination of diet, exercise and medication I may very well be all to conceive naturally.

A blood test

Will confirm all this, and fingers crossed making babies might not be as 'test tubey' as we thought!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Your Health is Your Wealth!

I'm fine, better than fine, there is nothing wrong!

For those of you who read regularly you'll be aware that for 2 weeks my appointment with a plastic surgeon has hung over me like a guillotine.

Thankfully I don't have skin cancer.

After a thorough investigation by a charming Doctor he declared all my lumps and bumps totally normal and nothing to worry about. [ I'll be having some stern words with my GP I can tell you after that fright!]

Biopsies not even required!

I will be having a procedure called 'Mole Mapping' done in the near future so that they can more accurately keep an eye on everything and so that I will have a reference point for the future, but other than that I can relax - relief in me is palpable!

Next focus...

Tomorrow's appointment with the IVF Clinic, they've already called to confirm and I've checked the directions - very excited!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

We are family too.

Today we went to the Dublin Pride Parade. The theme for the parade [well the week long festival] is 'we are family too'.
Basic rights

It saddens me that the gay community have to fight for, what should be, a given right to marry and be legally recognised as families.

I've tears in my eyes

To think that my wonderful, amazing baby brother doesn't have the same rights that I and my husband have just because of his sexual orientation. I know the world and Ireland have come a great distance in their recognition of gay couples and gay rights and for that I am grateful but..

It's not far enough...

Everyone should share the same basic human rights regardless of colour, creed or coupling. James and I are fighting for our right to have a family against nature; the gay community fight for their right to be recognised as a family against the world - that is just wrong!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Scheduled: Our first appointment with The Sims Clinic!

I love birthdays; magical things happen!

It was getting to the point were I thought that perhaps our application pack for the Sims Clinic had been lost in the post or they thought us a lost cause and weren't going to take us on. I had made up my mind to give them a call on Monday and see what the hold up was.

A quick dash home

To collect an old battered phone so I could get a better upgrade on a new phone forced me to miss a phone call yesterday, a very important IVF phone call!! My hands [and body] shuck with delight when I replayed the voicemail; the Sims Clinic were calling to make an appointment. In the moment I was annoyed I had missed the call...

BUT Fate had intervened!

In the time that lapsed between the Sims Clinic leaving me a voice mail and me calling them back someone had called to cancel their own appointment. I was kindly offered their appointment on the spot [it was my birthday after all]!!

Shocked, Delighted and SUPER Excited!!

We're having our first appointment with the IVF [Sims] Clinic in ONE WEEK, yes ONE WEEK on Friday the 2nd of July 2010!!

Best Birthday present ever!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's my birthday!

Only happy, positive thoughts today!!

One day to forget all about being reproductively challenged and the impending surgeon's appointment.

Happy Birthday Me!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fertility Books

They say knowledge is power and with power comes some control. Control is something you lack when faced with fertility problems. So in order to give myself a little control back [and plenty of knowledge/ power] I've been doing some reading.

Fertility (60 Tips)

Is a compact little book that I found in the library. It does exactly what it says on the cover and gives you 60 tips for improving your chances of conceiving. It's an easy to read book, nicely laid out and illustrated.

A taster of 60 Tips for Fertility

It includes tips such as;

  1. Eat better, Eat well - eating enough, but not too much.
  2. Take Vitamin B12 to produce an adequate amount of healthy red blood cells in bone marrow.
  3. Try Acupuncture, it can help to increase fertility by restoring the flow of energy it relieves the effects of 'blockages'
  4. For men; take care when on a bike, mountain biking can damage the scrotum.
  5. Realise the value of yoga, it can help to centre you and your desire for a child.

And many many more...

As well as value and interesting tips the book is littered with case studies of scenarios that have affected reproductively challenged couples which are useful.

The other book

I am also ready is Trying to Conceive [The Irish Couple's Guide] by Fiona McPhilips. This one is a little more intense, technical and slightly harder to dip in and out of. I'll admit that I have only glanced over this one once or twice but I plan on reading it more in depth now.

I need something to take my mind off my other little health scare and I am hoping that 'Trying to Conceive [The Irish Couple's Guide] will fill me with positivity and direction that it wont be to the forefront of my mind.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Shocked: Today I made an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon

It's not what you might think; this is not a vain attempt to improve myself or expedite my weight loss with lipo. This an appointment I thought I might never make.

Really Worried.

I went to the doctor yesterday; my GP, because I've been worried about some growths on my back. I've been going to the doctor for years and there has never really been anything wrong with me. God...

I wasn't going to waste the €55.00

On the Doctor's visit but I thought, at least it will put my mind at rest coming into the summer. My Doctor took it very seriously [I know I should be glad of this] but...

I left as white as a ghost.

I might have skin cancer... I'm seeing a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in a week and a half for 3 Excision Biopsies. Fear doesn't even cover it.

I thought my biggest challenge this summer would be getting pregnant.

Please pray for me.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Still no Appointment for the IVF Clinic


I still haven't heard from the IVF Clinic! I expect they have our forms well over a week now... should I call? Would that be too persistent?

Could I ruin my chances?

Would pestering them mean we wouldn't get a spot... I'm sure they are used to coupled being anxious... but do we want to one of those?

I'll see what happens

Tomorrow and decide then whether or not to call. Fingers Crossed they call soon, I can't take it any more!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Update TWO to Weight Loss: My Ugly Truth

Week Two is over

And I am as surprised as the rest of your to report that I have lost MORE weight!I'll admit that this week I was brilliant with the auld exercising at all. I did focus on tummy crunches and thigh crunches [at least that's what I'm calling the thigh ones!]

The results

I've lost a further 2.5 lbs AND a further inch lost total for this week of 4.5 inches of my body.

My even 'newer' body stats

I am 5 foot 6 inches

I weigh 15 stone and 6 1/4 lbs [ 216 1/4 lbs] - Total weight loss = 4.5 lbs

I am 46 inches around my belly - Total inch loss = 1 inches

I am 39.5 inches under my breasts - Total inch loss = 1 inch

I am 46 inches around the hips - Total inch loss = 2 inch

My thighs are 26.5 inches - Total inch loss = 1 inches

My upper arms are 12.5 inches - Total inch loss = 2 inch

I feel fantastic!

And shocked and surprised! In total from March, I have lost 1 stone, as of today! Most of that was due to the wheat free diet was on, but the last 4.5 lbs has been down to my healthy eating and exercise routine of the past two weeks.

Still to go

16.3 lbs, to be achieved by July 31st, 2010 - that's just a little under 3lbs a week - something I haven't achieved as yet but I'm still geared and focused to the goal!

Wish me luck!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Labour Nightmares and Packie Bonner = I'll make an awful mother!

Sex and the City 2

Bet you didn't see this post starting here; an unlikely beginning but its where me and all the girlies got together last night. [Yes I know we're about 2 weeks behind the rest of you but its the only date that suited us all!]

So SATC2 brings us all together, we laugh, we cry, we bawk, we crave and we leave the cinema...

Drink anyone?

We head to our local, pull up on stools and order the obligatory cocktails [mocktail for me - still thinking of the diet!] and of all things start to discuss labour [no not the political party] cause its exactly what you do, drinks in hand when you've just come out of SAT2, isn't it??

Perhaps I should clarify

One of our girlie group has just given birth [5 weeks ago], another is 3 months pregnant and one of the girls announced at the end of the show that she was 8 weeks pregnant ... so the line of conversation isn't to hard to imagine.

Moving to the point

We shock ourselves with weird and cruelly horrible labour stories, drink up and head home. My head hits the pillow and the fun really starts! I start to dream... or perhaps I should say, it starts as a dream and quickly turns to a nightmare...

I'm in labour...

In the dream, now obviously having never been in labour I make it up - one twisted, screwed up labour... the whole time my 'conscious' was bracing itself for the pain, that thankfully never came!

It's a boy!

Unnamed, we take our bundle of joy home. Well not to our home, the 'home' we have in this nightmare. In our 17 bedroomed mansion [I wish!] there isn't room for a Nursery so the baby sleeps downstairs, in the office, in a proper bed, which has been put on top of the desk!

A good nights sleep

I sleep like a baby, pun intended, and totally forget about my brand new off spring downstairs all night, as does my comatose hubby. Morning comes and I hear the baby roars, spring from the bed, head downstairs, roaring baby soaked.

There is not a nappy in sight!

Hand child to husband and go in search of nappies. Husband puts child on garden table. Baby falls off, bounces [yes my baby bounces] queue appearance of my mother.

'You're an awful mother, I can't believe you put your baby on the garden table and haven't changed or fed him!' [Both husband and mother then disappear!]

The ambulance is here
[as occurs from thin air in dreams]

In the form of my friend's little red peugeot, filled with all my friends from the SATC2 outing! We head to the hospital deciding on the way to call into my [dead] granddad's house for a cup of tea and a wee.

We take a wrong turn

And end up in a part of town we do not know and get lost. Urgency for hospital, thirst for tea and need to wee all gone.

Queue Packie Bonner

Who gives us directions and asks us to play football. WHY NOT?? Materialise football field and teams. Fight over cheer leading pom poms

FYI the baby disappeared

Probably just as well considering the mothering skills I displayed! Ps am free for any babysitting jobs! Enquire within.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What are the odds of getting pregnant?


Everything is in order and you have no fertility issues or obstacles and you are both a man and a woman [that is, there is one of each of you.]

It's been calculated

That your chances of conceiving within the first 6 months are as follows;

Make Love 1 a week = 16.7%

Make Love 1-2 times a week = 32.1%

Make Love 2-3 times a week = 46.3%

Make Love 3-4 times a week = 51%

Make Love over 4 times a week = 83%

A Common Misconception

Is that abstinence will boost a man's fertility. This is not the case. Yes the number of sperm may increase but they become less mobile and less able to reach the egg.

Funnily enough the flip side

Isn't good either... several sessions a day is also counter-productive too! You need to find a happy medium!

Eating gives you an appetite

You want to have a baby and you realise that making love 4 times a week will seriously boost your chances but you work long hours and are very tired and often have little desire... first I would say; if you can't alter this [energy levels] to conceive a child how will this change once the child is born? [Food for thought, no?] And second as the saying goes: eating gives you an appetite, so making love will ....

Happy TTCing people!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Update to Weight Loss: My Ugly Truth

Week one is over!

And I am still alive! I've even had a night out [and away], sneakily had 4 alcoholic drinks and still lost weight!!

The results:

I've lost 2 lbs and a total of 2.5 inches of my overall body!

My NEW body stats:

I am 5 foot 6 inches

I weigh 15 stone and 8 3/4 lbs [ 218 3/4 lbs] - Total weight loss = 2 lbs

I am 47 inches around my belly - Total inch loss = 0 inches

I am 40 inches under my breasts - Total inch loss = 0.5 inches

I am 47 inches around the hips - Total inch loss = 1 inch

My thighs are 27.5 inches - Total inch loss = 0 inches

My upper arms are 14.5 inches - Total inch loss = 1 inch

Compare to my starting body stats here

I feel great

As I am sure you would! Its been a struggle at times; especially eating out last night. I really wanted steak but settled for the homemade burger and a hand full of chips and a very small spoon of cheesy potatoes. I'm getting into the knack of eating burgers without the buns and really much prefer it! Much less bloated [well obviously] then before - wheat is such an evil, evil ingredient!

I was worried

About eating out in the restaurant, especially when it came to dessert; there were really NO wheat free options bar the fruit salad [what restaurant doesn't have ice cream?] so fruit salad it was and I felt better for it afterwards! That's not to say that I would have murdered the profiteroles or carrot cake but c'est le vie - and I am skinnier because of it!

Looking forward

To next weeks result already - here's hoping I'll be another 2 lbs lighter!! [If so that would make 1 Stone for me since March, when I first started the Wheat Free diet.]

Sunday, June 6, 2010

'Date' with a pregnant woman.

Tonight I have a 'date' with a pregnant woman.

Well, I'm heading out with my hubby and some of his work mates for a final farewell before they all finish up [their being made redundant and he possibly is - a totally other post!] and one of them is pregnant. Since my mini meltdown 2 weeks ago I've protected myself from any pregnant people [I know] by bowing out of social engagements.

Pregnancy in my face

I don't know how I will handle tonight. I'm in a much better place now than I was 2 weeks ago but sometimes I even surprise myself with how I react to these kind of situations. Worse still in this particular instance is, that she is as pregnant as I should have been.

Putting on a brave face

Is what I am doing and thinking about the future and how it will be my turn soon!

Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thinking about baby's nursery

I am a great believer in visualisations to help make things happen and while many of you might think I am jumping the gun here I've been putting some thought into where baby might sleep and what it might look like.

Here a just the first view ideas that caught my attention

I've always loved murals in kids rooms and this one feature on Modren Urban Baby caught my eye and I thought wow - perfect for a little girls room! You can just imagine the Teddy Bear's Picnics that would take place here.

What a comfortable room? Forget baby nursery I could imagine sleeping here!! Found on Style at Home I love the use of the soft shades of blue and slight accents of green. I think this would work well for either a boy or a girl by just adding a few touches of some feminine colours.

This is just me, could I have decorated my own nursery this is probably what it would have looked like. I am a pink girl, pink, diamonds, fabric and chandeliars! Perhaps a little too grown up for a baby but I still think its fun and girlie! More ideas at Ami Austin Interior Design.

Is it possible to have a nursery as sophisticated as this? The good blogger [and many of their followers] at Simplified Bee think so AND I agree. Its just gorgeous, elegant and beautiful. Probably won't last or be suitable past the first few months of babies life but I think its a strong contender!

There is no denying that baby blue and white is a lovely, simple and elegant combination. It screams [in a good way] everything that is cutsey about babies! This is just one of the many ideas I fell in love with on Design Spark!

There are just so many options and ideas out there for Nurseries that I think I will have to make 'Nursey Interiors' a regular spot!! I'll have loads of fun searching through ideas and imagining what might be!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Filling out the application form for the IVF Clinic

6 Pages of Personal Information

They want to know everything! Which I suppose shouldn't be surprising. Still its hammered home to us again how 'public' making a baby is going to be for us.

This is the part that's always caused me problems.

Making babies is supposed to be private, personal, intimate. At leasts thats what we're all led to believe. I suppose the 'publicness' of its all is where most of my anger came from and why for 3 years we pretty much did nothing and I spent most of it in therapy trying to come to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to concieve the way I always thought.

I feel better.

Now that I've made the call, received the pack, watched the DVD [yes they sent us a DVD] and filled out the form. I've come to terms with it now; at the end of the day the end result will be the same and we'll have a baby, thats what counts.

What is on the DVD?

This is a question I would be wondering! I was surprised to see it there in the folder when it arrived but it was great. You got to 'meet' and see most of the staff, hear them describe what they do and what to expect. If showed the Clinic itself, which is lovely and comfortable; which to me, was important. The showed practical things like location, what the building looked like and parking - all things I know I would have stressed about on the way there.

Where do we go from here?

Well today we post the application back and wait for them to call with an appointment. We should be there within 6-8 weeks for our first consultation!! We're getting a bit excited!!

Wish us luck!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What I am doing to lose weight before IVF

Today is day 4 of my 'lose the weight before IVF' campagin and I'm still alive :)

Every morning

I am doing a little cardio or yoga or stretch routine every morning and every evening I do a walk. [Apparently its good for you metabolism to spread your exercise out over the day.] I am also trying to 'keep moving' in the evenings - gardening, so that I don't eat after dinner.

Evenings used to be my worst time for 'munching'.

I've discovered that I ate alot when sitting in front of the TV - I suppose who doesn't? So by watching less TV and staying active in the house and garden I don't have the 'need' to snack as much. [So far, so good!].

I'm doing

About an hour or so a day of exercising, some days 45 minutes. I hope to increase this overtime to about an hour and half by introducing a third 'session'. I'm quite unfit so my 'sessions' [at the moment] aren't very intense but I am pushing myself a little further each day.

Today I used

A great 10 minute cardio workout I found on YouTube - I use YouTube alot to find quick, fun routines. I really liked this one; it was short but could be lenghtened. The exercises were doable and had different intensity levels and the instructor was upbeat and motivational.

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A sneak peak at Self Fertility Massage

Am a great believer in [trying] to have a rounded approach to treatment. I came across this on YouTube, I think I'll give it a go; if nothing else it looks very relaxing. Anyone else tried it?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Weightloss; My Ugly Truth

I'm fat. Actually that is probably being nice about it, I'm obese - yes technically I am; shocker right? There was a time I was a slim size 10 - although that is almost 8 - 10 years ago now. A symptom of my PCOS is severve weight problems; I am the type that looks at a chocolate bar and puts on 10lbs.

I can no longer ignore my weight problems!

Apart from the fact that I am unhappy [severely] with my weight and I'm unhealthy AND that it could all lead to worst health problems in the future there is another reason that has prompted me to lose it.

I want a baby.

Again as part of my PCOS I am reproductively challenged. I can't concieve babies naturally, at the very least. I've struggled with this for 3 years and after going through a rather horrific am I/ amn't pregnant episode very recently I've finally pulled the finger out and made the call to an IVF clinic. I'll be meeting with an IVF consultant within the next 6 - 8 weeks to discuss my options and see what they can do for me. I know my weight will stand in my way, so I am doing what I can now; getting a head start.

My body stats:

Laid open and bare, no hiding from them; this is the good, the bad and the ugly. [Don't laugh]

I am 5 foot 6 inches

I weigh 15 stone and 10 3/4 lbs [ 220 3/4 lbs]

I am 47 inches around my belly 

I am 40.5 inches under my breasts

I am 48 inches around the hips

My thighs are 27.5 inches

My upper arms are 14.5 inches

There it is in black and white. [Take deep breath now]

So what am I doing?

Well I've cut our alcohol and take aways for the next month[at least]. I am going to watch what I eat and exercise twice a day. A morning work and a walk in the evening, equally 45 - 60 minutes a day. I'll alternate my morning works out but I found this work out this morning which was great and would recommend to anyone; regardless of their fitness level.

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I made the call - to the IVF Clinic!!

I did it, I finally did it.

I made the call.

Well several actually. Initially I had been told that would need my Doctor to refer me on to the IVF Clinic and he had advised once we had decided on which IVF Clinic we would like to go with he would do up a referral letter.

Decision Made

The Sims Clinic it is to be; so I call our Doctor, or at least try to. Frustratingly no one was answering. In fact sometimes it didn't ring. But I was in a proactive mood, undeterable - I decide to call The Sims Clinic directly.

Yipee - I don't need a referal!

Spoke to a lovely, lovely receptionist who advised me I didn't need a referral, but that I did need to read and complete an application pack which she would post out to me. Once returned they would then phone with an appointment.

We're 6-8 weeks away from meeting
with an IVF Consultant!!


Friday, May 28, 2010

Proof Women are born that way!

Just hilarious!! You show him who's boss girl!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Baby Fund

I know that having IVF, or at the very least assistance with getting pregnant is going to cost us. My initial guesstimates are in the region of €4,000 - €8,000 with our chosen facility, The Sims Clinic. That is of course if they chose us! According to their website they can be picky [ my words not theirs], they, more eloquently put it; that they take on a small number of patients so they can focus more on patient care than numbers. - most of the reason we want to go there!

I've done my research...

Well I've had a few conversations with people who have gone down this route, the IVF one, and each has said to me; can you afford it? Honestly, right now I don't know that we can. Well right now I don't even know how much it is going to cost. Regardless, once I'm finished this post I am going to make a jar marked ' The Baby Fund' - at least it will start us off.

Second on my to do list... once 'The Baby Fund' is started

Find out for sure what this is going to cost, which means gettin referred to the clinic. I'll call the Doctor's tomorrow and get them to do my a referral letter, then I can make an appointment. Knowledge is key right now.

Wish us luck!

Rewind; Our Back Story.

Cartoons Graphic #108

James and I got together almost 6 years ago in Septeber 04. Back then we lived very different lives, and have very different careers. Strange to think how far we've come in only 6 years; and yet, somehow, it seems longer.

What we do

Today James is a slasher; by that I mean he is an underwriter/ actor and soon to be college student/ actor [ only for 3 months I should add] he will then by an online social media expert/ actor. I am a writer. One book under my belt and on the book store shelves and book number 2 on its third draft and a publisher [eagerly - i tell myself] awaiting its arrival. We live in a small country town, close to the sea on the outskirts of the city and our only baby [for the moment] are our darling furbabies; pussy cat, Achilles and puppy dog, Tilly.

The fairytale beginning...

We pledged our undying love to each other on the 7th of July 2007 and 30 minutes after stepping off the plane from honeymoon we were summoned to the Doctor'surgry.

What happened?

After 2 years of testes and investigations they knew what was wrong with me; I had PCOS. I wasn't surprised, I had suspected as much; in fact it was my mine own 'diagnoises' mere days before our wedding that prompted the testes that produced these results. Having met with two specialists [neither of which I practicularily liked] we were told that our chances of having a family naturaly were slim.


Almost 3 years and here we are; there is more to the story, which I am sure you'll learn along the way. Needless to say, we are still childless, mostly our, or I should say, my procrastination. But now we're ready, to take the journey, of trying to become parents.

Wish us luck!

Starting with a clean slate.

I, or I should say, We started this blog in September 09 to document what we were going through as a reproductively challenged couple.

Soon after we began the blog we became disheartened or maybe just to busy but as time is quickly slipping by; its now almost 3 years since we were told about out obstacles, we've done a big fat nothing!

So here it is, the clean slate. I've deleted the other posts we're made and as of today we're starting [afresh] on the road to trying to become parents.

Wish us luck!!