Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 months of Meds!

So my prescription for Metformin is in the pharmacy, I got the call this evening, Ill collect tomorrow.

Am nervous.

I'm to start week 1 with 1 tablet, increase to 2 and then hopefully be able to stand 3 by the third week. Am staying positive and hoping that this staggered approach will work.

I was a little concerned

When the nurse asked me to contact them towards the end of the second month so that they could arrange the IVF procedure. She seemed confused when I explained I wasn't having IVF, at least not yet. I explained to her that the [good] Doctor thinks insulin is the problem, hence the metformin.

I could be pregnant,

Inside the next 3 months, pregnant, both a scary and exhilarating thought.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sick [fur] Baby

I'm sure I've mentioned Tilly [my furbaby] before. Tilly is my 3.5 year old Bichon. She was born the day I had my first miscarriage, and so for us is much more than just a dog.

Sunday morning shock.

We woke up a little later than normal for a Sunday morning and when my hubby went down stairs to let Tilly out he discovered she had been violently ill all night, 9 times in fact. She barely made it up the stairs, before she was sick again on the landing.

Beside ourselves.

It took the on-call vet 27 minutes to call us back. In that time I could only imagine the fear and dread that goes through a mother's mind when her child his sick. While I love my dog, and I do call her my baby and I know I would do anything for her, I know that she is a dog. While she will always be part of this family, I'm not deranged enough to treat her like a child, but my love for her both scared and warmed me with the joy and love that I one day hope to have for my child.