Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Metformin for me!

The good Doctor and I stopped playing phone tag this afternoon and actually got to talk to each other! Albeit it was difficult to hear him as I was driving and the car kit is just not great, but we had a conversation none the less.

Insulin is my problem.

So he says. I only got the jest, but he is putting me on metformin. I've been here before, 3 years ago in fact, a different Doctor, but the same meds. However, apparently this time it will work, he says, dosage and diet is the key, according to him. Am sceptical but willing to try.

A 3 month supply - enough for a baby?

Well I suppose we'll find out... its all I'm getting, initially anyways. Optimistically I could say that I will be giving everyone an extra special Christmas present, news of a baby, but perhaps that is getting my hopes up too much.

Time will tell...

Wish us luck!

Imagine from taiwanease.com

Friday, August 27, 2010

Being featured in a parenting magazine

We're honoured!

A fellow tweeter tweeted that she was looking to interview couples who had travelled or where travelling the long road to successful fertility. I know the tweeter well [in the twitteverse] and had already been interviewed by her for a Wedding Magazine [for those of you who don't know, I am a Wedding Consultant by day], I dropped her a line to see what she was looking for and low and be hold got a reply with 6 detailed questions to be filled in.

Sending back my [fertility] life story I waited with baited breath for a glimpse at her article. J and I were honoured with the first paragragh and we're happy to share our story with other couples, in the hope that it might offer them some comfort or help.

Once it out I'll post a copy up so you can all take a gander!

Getting pregnant, a money pit?!

I had another mini ' are we doing the right thing/ ready for this' attack again. It ended with my booking the blood tests, so you can deduce what I decided.

Shock of my life.

The doctor had said that I would require 1 blood test, I checked the cost when I booked and told the nurse when she started taking the body that it was only the fasting bloods I was having done, that everything else was up-to-date, the shock came when we went to pay. Instead of €40 she was charging me €160! I nearly died.

Apparently [annoyed]

It's routine [so I was told] for PAI -1 to be done at the same time, the expense little bugger. The receptionist wasn't much help when I asked what it was all about. And sure I thought to myself it will be worth it [it better be]. If this kid doesn't come out right I will want my money back!