Thursday, June 3, 2010

What I am doing to lose weight before IVF

Today is day 4 of my 'lose the weight before IVF' campagin and I'm still alive :)

Every morning

I am doing a little cardio or yoga or stretch routine every morning and every evening I do a walk. [Apparently its good for you metabolism to spread your exercise out over the day.] I am also trying to 'keep moving' in the evenings - gardening, so that I don't eat after dinner.

Evenings used to be my worst time for 'munching'.

I've discovered that I ate alot when sitting in front of the TV - I suppose who doesn't? So by watching less TV and staying active in the house and garden I don't have the 'need' to snack as much. [So far, so good!].

I'm doing

About an hour or so a day of exercising, some days 45 minutes. I hope to increase this overtime to about an hour and half by introducing a third 'session'. I'm quite unfit so my 'sessions' [at the moment] aren't very intense but I am pushing myself a little further each day.

Today I used

A great 10 minute cardio workout I found on YouTube - I use YouTube alot to find quick, fun routines. I really liked this one; it was short but could be lenghtened. The exercises were doable and had different intensity levels and the instructor was upbeat and motivational.

What do you think?

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