I was a bag of nerves, good nerves, excited nerves; but a bag of nerves none the less.
We got there early,
About 30 minutes early but headed in regardless. It's nice there, clinical but nice. Plenty to do in the waiting room; tv, teas and coffee, computers, games etc. Don't ask me why but I was surprised to see the waiting room full of other couples. All stone faced, I smiled at some but they weren't very welcoming - is it that IVF apts are not PC... even when you're all there for the same reasons?
Our Doctor is lovely.
Such a nice man. He even phoned me this morning. He was not supposed to be the Doctor we were to meet and called to make sure we were happy to meet him - so we would have no surprises. [How Sweet].
A very long chat
Ensued in his office were we talked all about my medical history, my PCOS, PCOS in general and possible treatments and options that we would have and face. He was very thorough, spoke alot of since and for the first time in years I feel like someone is actually listening and interested in helping us. All in all a very positive consultation.
I rather painful procedure
When I told him that I haven't had a period since Oct 07 he grew a little concerned and thought it odd that no-one had ever thought to question or investigate this before. Which made sense when he said it. As a result I had an Endometrial [sp?] Biopsy. Not a pleasant experience at all.
I forgot to mention the Tumour
The one I've had for years in my right ovary. When he did the ultrasound he got quite a shock. And for the second time he asked why no-one had questioned/ investigated or removed it. Simply; before, no-one ever seemed concerned or interested in it.
My prognosis
You may be forgiven for thinking that my prognosis would be rather grey after all that but you would be wrong. The [very] good Doctor is quietly positive that insulin my be my fiend and the root to all my problems! He is of the educated [guess] opinion at the moment that once regulated and controlled through a combination of diet, exercise and medication I may very well be all to conceive naturally.
A blood test
Will confirm all this, and fingers crossed making babies might not be as 'test tubey' as we thought!